Vintner’s Blend

This dry red blend was created by combining varietals harvested over two seasons from Ardon Creek Vineyards. Additionally, free-run juice was reserved for this blend. We used select finishing techniques to provide a solid, pleasing structure to this wine. This fine blend offers peppery aromas, lengthy tannins, and layers of complexity that everyone will enjoy.

The grape varietals used in this blend were developed at an East Coast land-grant university in the beginning of the 21st century and by Dr. Albert Seibel in France in the mid-20th century. These grapes offer the hardiness of Labrusca species and the characteristics of old-world flavors from the Vinifera species. Welcome to the new world of Ardon Creek!

– Josh Glasson, Ardon Creek, Winemaker

Noiret, Petite Pearl, & Chancellor Grapes
Vintner’s Blend wine by Ardon Creek

Ryan Red

As Irish immigrants and their offspring integrated into this new, wonderful world called America, many found the avenue of public service as their entrée into society. Many of the Irish chose the world of local politics and law enforcement. To be part of the American fabric and provide for their families, my mother’s father (John F. Ryan) and grandfather (John P. Ryan) chose law enforcement. John P. Ryan, my great grandfather, was the oldest policeman in Iowa in 1937. At the age of 80, he was walking a beat as a Muscatine patrolman. His son and my grandfather, John F. Ryan, served alongside him.

This medium-bodied dry red wine is for all the law enforcement and first responders who protect and care for us!

– Mike L. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Founder

Frontenac Grapes with Notes of Blackberry & Plum
Ryan Red wine by Ardon Creek

Commission Man Red

One of the interesting phenomena of growing up in our township, serviced by the Ardon Depot, was shipping livestock to the Chicago Union Station Stockyards (1865-1971). Part of this phenomenon was the need for area farmers to have a commission man sell livestock to one of the packing houses. In our case, being of Irish descent, we used an Irish commission man, and my wife’s family of German descent would use a German commission man. Every so often, the farmer (sometimes with kids in tow) would ride the train with his livestock to meet the commission man and be part of the process.

After the business of selling the livestock was complete, you might get a glimpse of a Brahma bull or a Texas long-horn steer before stopping at Jack Knife Ben’s store capped with a drink at the Stockyard Inn for the adults. The Irish and German farmers often stayed overnight at their respective commission man’s home. Being able to go on one of these trips as a child was considered a badge of honor, theoretical maturity, and the occasional brag. Here’s to a fading vestige of our past with our Commission Man Red. Enjoy multiple layers of flavor with hints of pepper!

– Mike L. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Founder

Noiret grapes
FLIWC Double Gold Winner
Commission Man Red wine by Ardon Creek


There are times—not often, in my experience—when someone appears out of nowhere to come to your aid. You don’t expect it, you don’t ask for it, but it is oh-so-welcome. This person may be a longtime friend who suddenly becomes your wingman at a critical time. It could be someone who’s only known you for a short period of time through another person and intervenes on your behalf in a significant way!

The Irish in me wants to think: angel intervention! Call it what you may, my hope is that you experience this kind of caring support in your lifetime. In this spirit enjoy our dry rosé with crisp flavors of lemon and cherry.


– Mike L. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Founder

Dry Rosé
Frontenac Grapes
Wings wine by Ardon Creek

Lace Curtain White

“Lace curtain” is an old Irish phrase used primarily in this country to describe those who seemed to be putting on airs or making themselves feel better by hanging lace curtains in their homes.

Whether those using this phrase were accurate in their assessments, or just participating in idle jealous talk, we believe that it’s just fine to reward yourself from time to time after an especially tough day or week.

Instead of hanging some lace curtains, why not reach for a refreshing glass of Lace Curtain White wine? Reward yourself with this bright and crisp taste.

– Mike L. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Founder

Seyval Blanc Grapes
Lace Curtain White wine by Ardon Creek