This semi-sweet white wine is offered to you and yours to help give thanks for what we have, celebrate what we cherish, and reflect on what we have yet to accomplish! Enjoy the with hints of grapefruit and green apple .
– Mike L. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Founder

Country Mile
My Dad was a walk-on athlete for a university track team. He would often “brag” about being the slowest guy on the team. He built his running form on the country roads surrounding the winery and passed his love of sport on to me.
The values of hard work, perseverance, and continuous improvement are not only what Ardon Creek was built on, but also the lessons passed from father to son. In honor of our founder and my late father, Michael Leo Furlong, please raise a glass!
– Chad M. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Owner

In every family, there’s usually a relative or two who is loved dearly for who they are and how much they care for you and your family.
Our family was lucky to have such a person. In the ’50s and ’60s, as we left 76 Township to visit my mother’s first cousin, we knew our visit would be a great time because of this extraordinary woman. This initial sweet taste and “zing“ finish rosé is dedicated to her and others like her. Cheers, Rosemary!
– Mike L. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Founder

While I never met my great grandmother Johanna Cosgrove Furlong (1826-1892 in County Carlow, Ireland), she must have been a strong, self-reliant, confident woman. She immigrated to Iowa via New York, IN, and finally settled with her husband, John Furlong, in 76 Township (Ardon, IA) in 1855. She gave birth to eight children and, with her husband, homesteaded the 40 acres where Ardon Creek now sits. It was a prairie back then that I imagine was covered with the clover and violets still flourishing today.
Our Johanna wine with hints of apple, peach, and strawberry is dedicated to women on their way to realizing their hopes, dreams, and aspirations—not unlike my great grandmother Johanna Cosgrove Furlong! Cheers!
– Mike L. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Founder

Midwesterners cherish summertime! Each year, the arrival of the superior solstice is marked by the sighting of three iconic symbols of summer: ice cream trucks, lightning bugs, and the idyllic watermelon.
Long days provide extra time for friends and family to build memories, whether they’re exploring the mighty Mississippi River, fine-tuning their golf swing, or having a lazy day sipping a glass of Slice in the backyard and dreaming of that next trip to Pasadena on New Year’s Day.
Here’s to Summer. Enjoy our sweet rosé with leading notes of watermelon supported by hints of peach and cherry. Grab a Slice!
– Chad M. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Owner

Cranston Berry
This semi-sweet, tart wine is dedicated to the small unincorporated town of Cranston, Iowa, approximately one mile south and two miles west of Ardon Creek Winery.
My most significant memory of this town is the general store. It had a single wooden floor aisle with shelves to the ceiling. There were wooden and glass display cases, a post office window, and a pop cooler. The proprietor had to use a long extension pole with a gripper to reach the tall shelves.
As adolescents, we would ride our bikes to the store and charge items to our parents, account: candy, matches, and popsicles! However, there were times when the monthly bill exceeded our parents’ expectations! Here’s to the carefree joys of childhood! Enjoy!
– Mike L. Furlong, Ardon Creek, Owner